According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74% of people have anxiety about speaking in public; and 19% have a full fledge phobia called Glassophobia.
This means that, in general, people are more afraid of speaking in public than death, spiders, flying, and confined spaces.
Common symptoms may include dry mouth, knees knocking, hands trembling, voice quivering, sweating (WebMD).
To overcome this, WebMD suggests visualizing and practicing, but counseling is the best option if the anxiety or phobia is too strong or physically debilitating.
I contend that even though visualizing and practicing does help, to some degree, nothing will help with the speaking anxiety or phobia like an emotional corrective experience.
This route is harder and much riskier, because in order to benefit, we literally have to put ourselves out-there. It’s worth taking the risk though, because of the long lasting emotional growth, these corrective experiences are astronomically more impactful. So, start with a SAFE audience first, and take more risks after that.
There is no doubt that speaking in public is a real fear and difficult to overcome, but having an emotional corrective experience could dramatically change your life. Emotional corrective experiences could unlock hidden potential, help you move forward in your career, or help you share your personal story with others.
No matter the reason, tackling this anxiety will improve your confidence and ultimately your Mental Health.